6 Common Household Items Pros Say You Can Reuse in the Garden

As many of us know by now, there are lots of great ways to repurpose and reuse old items at home. Rather than tossing things in the trash, reusing can be an ideal option to be more sustainable—and it’s a great way to save money.

One of the most common areas for repurposing old items is in the garden. This seems to be the place where lots of odd jobs can quickly pile up, and small solutions can make a major difference.

With this in mind, we reached out to a few gardening pros to ask them for their personal favorite home items they like to use in the garden. Here are some of their favorites—don’t throw away your old pantyhose just yet.

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Milk Jugs for Seedlings

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According to Sarah Warner of Case Western Reserve University Farm, plenty of old containers can be recycled for garden use. This is especially true of milk jugs and similar containers, which are excellent for seedlings.

As Warner explains, they can have a few uses both to get your seeds started or potting young plants up to a bigger size.

Pantyhose as Tree and Plant Supports

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This closet staple has a few innovative uses in the garden. One popular option is to use pantyhose to hold growing melons up off the ground, particularly when tied to a trellis.

But there are other great gardening uses for old pantyhose, says Marek Bowers, founder of Bolder Green, like tree supports.

“When you plant young trees, they often need stabilizing tree stakes,” Bowers says. “You can buy plant tie tape for this purpose, but strips of old pantyhose would work well, too.” 

Another Hack for Pantyhose

Another great use for pantyhose is to protect young plants and seedlings. Bowers says this is because pantyhose is still permeable, but can still protect your plants from bugs. 

Clear, Plastic Tote Bags for Temperature Control

Harry Wedzinga / Getty Images

Warner says another home favorite she uses often is a clear, plastic tote bag as a way to extend the growing season when temperatures are low.

By placing them carefully on top of your plants, clear plastic tote bags can create a warmer environment so that things can grow longer than normal. However, as this hack is best used during the shoulder season, it’s also important to pay close attention. 

“It’s important to monitor the outside temperatures as if it gets too hot, this may harm the plants,” Warner says. 

Newspaper as a Weed Barrier

The Spruce / Steven Merkel

Anyone with a garden knows how exhausting and fruitless it can feel to constantly weed. Weed barriers are one great way to keep weeds at bay, or you can also use a weed barrier.

Plenty of store-bought weed barrier options exist, but if you’re looking for a biodegradable alternative, Bowers says newspaper can be great. This is especially when it’s used along with cardboard, but it works well on its own, too. 

This is because newspaper can prevent weeds receiving enough light to sprout, while also creating a healthy environment for the plants you do want to thrive. This is because newspaper traps moisture and can help regulate your soil temperature.

Coffee Grounds for Nitrogen

The Spruce / Sarah Crowley 

If you find your plants need something but you can’t quite figure out what that something might be, Warner suggests considering a homemade compost.

She says coffee grounds, in particular, are an excellent addition. This, she explains, is because coffee grounds are known to enhance nitrogen and add organic matter to your soil.

Eggshells for Calcium

L Alfonse / Getty Images

Much like coffee grounds, eggshells are another known way to enhance your soil, and, Warner explains. By adding crushed-up shells to your soil, you can again enhance organic matter.

But instead of the nitrogen added by coffee grounds, Walker says eggshells are great for enhancing calcium levels. They’re also known to keep certain pests away, including snails and slugs.

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