7 Home Items That Are Actually Dirtier Than You Think

A deep clean of your home calls for a celebration—that takes a lot of time and energy! But, even with sparkling-clean surfaces surrounding you, there are some commonly missed (but very dirty) spots around your home.

Some are areas or items you may be so used to touching and handling that you gloss over them, whereas others are low-priority spaces that fly under the radar.

We spoke with three experts on the spots we might be brushing off, but shouldn’t. Backed with science, studies, and facility inspections, you’ll never miss a grimy hotspot again.

Underneath and Above the Refrigerator

Design: Jess Bunge for Emily Henderson Design

You’ve cleaned the inside of the fridge and wiped all the fingerprints off the outside, but have you looked beneath and above?

Eliana Coca of E.C. House Cleaning says this is a commonly missed (and very grimy) spot in many homes. “Few homeowners move these heavy items during regular cleaning, leading to significant dust, crumbs, and sometimes pest accumulation,” she says.

The fix? Keep this on your cleaning list and make it a priority to clean these spaces regularly. It doesn’t have to be in a daily or even weekly clean—but don’t let it go for too long.

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Ceiling Fan Blades

The Spruce / Meg MacDonald

With a quick glance at the ceiling, you probably think your ceiling fan looks spotless. In reality, you’re only seeing one side of the blade—this is especially true for fans installed high up or in more difficult-to-reach areas.

Coca notes that fan blades can accumulate a thick layer of dust which, when the fan is in use, disperses around the room.

When you’re dusting other parts of your home, don’t forget about the fans. If they’re high up, set aside time with a partner or family member to use a ladder and clean them—or reach out to a professional.

Above Your Kitchen Cabinets

The Spruce / Candace Madonna

Like your fridge, you’ve probably spent plenty of time cleaning your cabinets, ridding them of dust, old crumbs, and chipped dinnerware.

But if your cabinetry doesn’t go up to the ceiling, Coca notes that an overlooked spot is hiding in plain sight and is one of the biggest culprits of mess that she’s seen in her decades of experience: above your cabinets.

“They often collect a substantial amount of dust and grease since they’re out of the regular line of sight,” she explains. Like many of these missed locations, once you’re aware it’s there, it’s an easy addition to put on your checklist.

The Base of Toilets

The Spruce / Henry Wortock

You’re probably no stranger to scrubbing toilets—they have the reputation of being one of the dirtiest spots in the house—but have you deep-cleaned spots outside of the bowl and seat?

Austin Jones of Millennium Facility Services notes that the base of the toilet, its bolts, and the surrounding floor area frequently get missed. Even if you’re on top of your bathroom cleaning, he says these spots harbor germs and grime because they are not always thoroughly scrubbed.

Remote Controls

Linus Mimietz / Unsplash

Jones points out that remote controls are another place that is a “hotbed for germs.” Whether you’re a fan of playing games or often flick through series and channels, these are oft-used but rarely cleaned.

With the number of people who use them and how often they’re grabbed with sticky hands or dropped on the floor, it’s a smart idea to make a conscious cleaning effort with these tech gadgets.

Dish Sponges and Rags

The Spruce / Meg MacDonald

Lisa Yakasy focused on the dirtiest parts of your home that often go overlooked, and a common mistake found was people overlooking the kitchen.

“The biggest misconception our study identified was that the kitchen is actually dirtier than the bathroom, harboring more germs on items such as dish sponges/rages, kitchen sinks, countertops, and cutting boards,” she says.

While cleaning tools are constantly, well, cleaning, it’s hard to remember that they can hold onto immense amounts of bacteria. If you haven’t sanitized your sponge or replaced your rag, now’s a better time than ever.

Cutting Boards

The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska 

Kitchens don’t stop there when it comes to surprising grime—cutting boards are a culprit of grossness, too. This could be from not properly sanitizing after chopping raw meat or from using it for unwashed vegetables.

To cut down on this problem, seek out cutting boards that can be run through the dishwasher or learn how to best wash and sanitize the ones you have. Replace your boards once they start getting scratches and deep cuts, too.

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