Elon Musk Said He Eats a Donut Every Morning and Is ‘Still Alive’

  • Elon Musk revealed on Tuesday that he eats a donut every morning for breakfast. 
  • “I eat a donut every morning. Still alive,” Musk tweeted.
  • He joins Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump and other tech moguls known for their curious eating habits.

Elon Musk, who previously said that he would rather “eat tasty food and live a shorter life,” has stayed true to his word — he said he enjoys a breakfast donut every day. 

The Twitter CEO revealed his sweet tooth in response to a tweet from Peter Diamandis, a physician and the CEO of the non-profit organization XPRIZE. 

On Tuesday, Diamandis tweeted “Sugar is poison.” Musk replied: “I eat a donut every morning. Still alive.”

At press time, Musk’s tweet had been viewed more than 11.4 million times. 


Diamandis responded with a clarification: “Okay Elon, allow me to be more specific. Sugar is a slooow poison.”

Musk’s daily donut diet revelation is unsurprising, considering his past comments about his eating habits. 

“I’d rather eat tasty food and live a shorter life,” Musk told podcaster Joe Rogan in 2020. Musk added that he does work out, but “wouldn’t exercise at all” if he could. 

It is not clear if Musk’s diet has been influenced at all by his mother, Maye Musk, a model who worked as a dietitian for 45 years, per CNBC. 

Musk is not the only famous person to have curious eating habits.

In the political sphere, former House Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi survives — and thrives — on a diet of breakfast ice cream, hot dogs, pasta, and chocolate.

And former President Donald Trump has a well-documented love for fast food, telling a McDonald’s employee in February that he knows the menu “better than anyone” working at the restaurant. 

Meanwhile, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos loves having octopus for breakfast, and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg prefers to eat meat from animals he’s killed himself.

Representatives for Musk did not immediately reply to Insider’s request for comment sent outside regular business hours. 

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