How to Clean Vomit From Carpet Quickly to Prevent Stains

Accidents happen, and most of us will have to clean vomit from carpet or other upholstery at some point. When that day comes, it’s crucial that you know how to clean up the mess quickly and correctly to prevent bacterial growth, staining, damage to your carpet fibers, and of course, the awful odor.

Learn how to clean vomit from your carpet so you can protect your it for years to come.

Why It’s Important to Clean Up Vomit Quickly

It’s important that you clean up vomit on your carpet immediately. Vomit includes harsh substances like stomach acid and bile, along with food and drinks, so it can not only stain your carpet permanently but also damage and even deteriorate the fibers. Additionally, the residue can produce bacterial growth, creating a health hazard in your home, not to mention the repulsive odor.

Fortunately, there are effective methods for removing stains from your carpet, using common household products. like vinegar and baking soda.

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How to Clean Vomit From Carpet

  1. Prep the area. Start by gathering your supplies. You’ll need a dust pan, a large spoon, a trash bag, disposable gloves, a mask, paper towels, and a DIY solution of equal parts water and white vinegar (consider combining the two in a spray bottle for easy application).
  2. Open windows and doors. Ventilation is important when you’re cleaning up vomit from your carpet. Facilitating air flow will help reduce the unpleasant smells as you clean, so you can focus on the task at hand.
  3. Put on safety gear. Grab your mask and disposable gloves and put them on. This step will help you minimize odors and avoid spreading the vomit to other materials and surfaces as you clean.
  4. Remove the solid vomit: Next, use a dustpan and/or spoon to scoop up and discard the vomit solids sitting on the top of your carpet. We’ll tackle the throw-up that your carpet fibers have absorbed shortly.
  5. Blot the area: Once you’ve removed the majority of the sitting vomit, all that’s left will be the throw-up that has sunk into your carpet fibers. Blot the area with paper towels or a clean rag to absorb and remove more of the vomit, then move on to the next step for cleaning and deodorizing.
  6. Apply your DIY cleaning solution: Spray the stained area liberally with a DIY mixture of white vinegar and water. You want to saturate the stain well, as the acidity in the vinegar will help neutralize the smell and break down the vomit residue so it’s easy to remove. Leave the solution to sit for five minutes.
  7. Blot the area a second time: Finally, blot the area a second time with paper towels or a new, clean rag to pull up the vinegar, water, and remaining vomit. If necessary, repeat the process.

DIY Cleaning Solutions

Fortunately, the best household cleaners are likely already sitting your cabinet. Here are some of the best DIY cleaning solutions for removing vomit and vomit stains on your carpet.

  • White vinegar and water: Vinegar is a versatile household cleaner that’s works on multiple materials and surfaces in your home. In fact, a DIY solution of equal parts white vinegar and water is arguably the best cleaner for lifting and removing stubborn odors and stains from vomit on your carpet.
  • Baking soda or baking soda paste: Baking soda is another popular cleaning solution that can be used for removing vomit in your carpet. Pour a layer of baking soda over the vomit stain to help absorb the residue and neutralize the odor or apply a baking soda paste (two parts baking soda and one part water) for a deeper clean.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: If you don’t have white vinegar on hand, hydrogen peroxide is an excellent substitute. Keep in mind, however, you should never use both, since the combination of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide can create toxic gases.

How to Remove Stubborn Stains and Odors

If the method outlined above doesn’t completely remove the vomit stain and odor from your carpet, you may need to up the ante with baking soda.

If the area affected has already dried, dampen it with warm water in a spray bottle then blot with paper towels or a clean rag. Next, sprinkle baking soda over the area liberally. You can also create a baking soda paste and apply it to the carpet fibers. Either way, the powder will absorb the vomit residue and odor. Cover the area with a clean towel and leave it to sit and work for about 15 minutes. Remove the sitting baking soda with a vacuum (dump the bag or tank into the garbage immediately), then follow the steps from vinegar and water method mentioned above.

When to Call a Professional

Household solutions like white vinegar and baking soda are extremely effective cleaners for a variety of common messes. However, if the methods outlined above don’t effectively remove the vomit stain or odor, it may be time to contact a professional cleaner. This is especially applicable for stains that have been ignored or gone unnoticed and have had time to absorb into the carpet fibers as well as the padding below.


  • Since vomit contains highly acidic substances like bile and enzymes, it can permanently stain your carpet if left unattended.

  • When ignored, vomit smells in your carpet can linger for hours, days, and even weeks. For this reason, it’s important to tackle the mess immediately with solutions like vinegar and/or baking soda to neutralize and remove the unpleasant scent.

  • Most professional cleaners recommend leaving baking soda on your carpet for 15-30 minutes, giving it ample time to absorb the vomit residue and odor. However, if the stain and smell are particularly stubborn, you can try leaving the baking soda overnight.

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