How to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeders

Hummingbirds are useful pollinators and can be delightful backyard visitors. Though there are a number of flowering plants attractive to hummingbirds, many people choose to install hummingbird feeders to attract these diminutive, fast-flying birds. Hummingbirds require a very specific food source, however, the nectar which is liquid sugar is also attractive to insects, especially ants.

Hummingbird feeders are designed to easily dispense this sweet food. This food is commercially available as a powder that is mixed with water. It can be quite sticky and any residue might attract ants, so filling the feeder requires being careful and keeping it clean. Ants drawn to the sugar might clog the feeder, and too many ants on the feeder will tend to drive hummingbirds away from their food source, so it’s a good idea to try and keep them out.

We’ve rounded up six safe ways to deter ants from getting into your hummingbird feeder.

Keep the Feeder Clean

Keeping your hummingbird feeder clean, so that no liquid food is clinging to the surface, is a good way to deter ants from being attracted to it. Since a hummingbird will only access the feeder spout with its long beak, any food residue anywhere else on the feeder could be an invitation to ants or other insects.

Most feeders can be cleaned with mild soap and water; others might respond well to using a bit of vinegar to also help clean away any lingering bacteria. Allow the feeder to dry thoroughly before adding food again.

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Relocate the Feeder Frequently

If you’re able to move your hummingbird feeder to a new location every few weeks, you can effectively deter ants from climbing on to seek out tasty morsels of nectar. Ants tend to leave behind scent trails, as well as communicate with their colonies, to let them know of food sources, so moving the feeder around will help prevent them from finding it. If you have more than one hummingbird feeder, space them throughout your garden and move them all periodically.

Use Fishing Line to Hang the Feeder

A fishing line is impossible for ants to climb on, so if your hummingbird feeder can be hung using a fishing line, this is an excellent deterrent. It comes in different thicknesses, so be sure to get a strong fishing line that will hold the weight of your feeder.

Attach the line to the feeder itself and to the pole or hook you’re hanging the feeder from. Be sure to tie some pieces of ribbon onto the fishing line in case it might be invisible to a person or pet walking nearby.

Install an Ant Moat

Ant moats are little basins that hold water that are hung below hummingbird feeders. They’re designed to keep ants out, and this is one of the simplest and most popular ways to prevent ants from climbing on your hummingbird feeder. The moat will need to be refilled frequently and kept clean.

Try Placing Mint Near the Feeder

The smell of mint is repellent to ants. You can rub fresh leaves of mint directly on the hummingbird feeder parts or tuck leaves into it. You can also place a pot with spearmint or peppermint growing nearby. Mint can become invasive in the garden so be sure to grow it in a container.

You can also try using peppermint essential oil in a spray to spray the surface of the ground and the lower end of the pole where ants might climb up to the feeder.

Keep Your Feeder in Good Repair

Any cracks or leaks in your hummingbird feeder can allow drips of sugary nectar to drip down and attract ants. Be sure to inspect the feeder for any damage, especially if it gets knocked around after a storm. Some glass feeders may develop cracks if placed in the hot sun over time, as glass can expand in heat, so placing the feeder in a partly shaded area where temperatures remain cool in summer will help prevent this.

Hang the Feeder Over Water

Ants don’t particularly like water, and they definitely can’t swim, so hanging your hummingbird feeder over a body of water such as a small pond or other water feature can help keep ants away. The ideal situation is to have a birdbath that you can place next to your hummingbird feeder, with the basin beneath the feeder itself, as the bath will also attract hummingbirds.

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