How to Organize a Bedroom in One Day, According to Cleaning Pros

Professional organizers agree that while aiming to tackle one’s entire bedroom in a single day is a gargantuan task, it isn’t an impossible one.

“With the right mindset and a clear plan of action, you can transform your bedroom into a well-organized sanctuary in just one day,” Sarah Schier, professional organizer and the founder of Beautiful Life, says. “Remember to stay focused, take breaks as needed, and celebrate your progress along the way.”

Below, Schier and other professional organizers provide a step-by-step list of actions to take to ensure that you can tackle your day-long bedroom organization project as swiftly and skillfully as possible.

Meet the Expert

  • Sarah Schier is a professional organizer and the founder of Beautiful Life.
  • Kenika Williams is a professional organizer and the founder of Tidied by K.
  • Alison Moulder is a professional organizer and the founder of Simplicity and Style.

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Set Your Intentions

Before embarking on a bedroom organization project, you’ll want to think about what you would like to accomplish in the process.

“I recommend starting by setting clear goals for how you want your bedroom to look and feel, but ultimately, how you want it to function,” Kenika Williams, a professional organizer and the founder of Tidied by K, says.

Focusing on your end goal will help you to stay motivated throughout what can be a long, daunting project.

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You’ll need to start decluttering your bedroom to determine what will stay and what should go.

Schier suggests going through each area including drawers, closets, and surfaces to remove any items you no longer need.

“Be ruthless in your decision-making to free up space and reduce visual clutter,” Schier says.

Not sure when it’s worth letting items go? Williams recommends parting ways with anything you have not used within the past year.

Sort and Categorize

While going through all of your belongings, sort them by category, Schier advises. Categories she recommends establishing include clothing, accessories, books, and miscellaneous items.

Schier explains how this will help you organize more efficiently later on since everything has its own designated place.

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Relocate Anything That Belongs Elsewhere

Odds are, your bedroom has become home to many different objects that may actually belong in other areas of the house.

Take stock of these items and organize them in a box to put them elsewhere, Alison Moulder, a professional organizer and the founder of Simplicity and Style, says.

Clean and Dust

You don’t want to be putting items back into drawers that aren’t in tip-top shape; doing a bit of cleaning mid-organizing will put you on the right track. Schier recommends taking the time to clean and dust surfaces, furniture, and floors.

“A clean slate will make it easier to see what you’re working with and create a fresh, inviting space,” Schier says.

Figure Out Your Storage

Now is the time to determine what goes where and how to keep everything organized for the future you.

“Arrange your belongings thoughtfully, keeping frequently used items easily accessible and less-used items stored away,” Schier says.

Bins, baskets, and drawer organizers are great pieces to pick up. Don’t forget to buy under-bed organizers if that’s feasible, Schier adds. As for the closet, sorting pieces by color is one strategy Schier recommends, adding that sorting by season is another option. Commit to putting clothing away every time you take it out.

“A daily reset of your room can really help keep the piles from getting bigger,” Moulder says.

Just don’t make things too complicated or you’ll fall victim to clutter and chaos yet again. Williams suggests arranging everything in a practical way so you have your most used items within easy reach. This will help you develop simple habits to maintain daily organization, Williams says.

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Add Finishing Touches

To ensure that your bedroom feels like a respite from your chaotic day-to-day life, Schier recommends weaving in some calming finishing touches once you’re done organizing.

Schier recommends adding some soft lighting, decorative accents, and comfortable bedding to enhance a bedroom’s ambiance.

Moulder agrees. “Your bedroom should be a place of refuge and peace, not a cluttered mess,” she says.

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