How to Remove Tomato Stains From Tupperware Containers

Instead of discarding plastic Tupperware containers that have pesky tomato stains, learn how to remove them with these easy methods and cheap household items. Tomato-based foods such as marinara sauce, as well as beets, red cabbage, or curry, can cause orange and red stains on clothing, carpet, and containers because they contain something called lycopene which stains it despite frequent washing.

The stains may seem like they’re permanent but can be removed with cheap pantry staples such as distilled white vinegar, baking soda, or lemons. For more stubborn stains, you can turn to a more heavy-duty cleaner such as hydrogen peroxide.

Before you begin removing tomato stains from a plastic food storage container, make sure that it’s at room temperature and that any stuck-on food particles have been removed. This will allow the stain remover to fully absorb into the stained surface without any obstacles.

Whether your plastic food storage containers have new or old stains, keep reading to learn how to remove tomato stains from plastic containers.

How to Get Tomato Stains Out of Plastic Tupperware With White Vinegar

Use distilled white vinegar to remove stubborn tomato stains from plastic Tupperware containers.

  1. Let the Stained Tupperware Container Cool Down

    Before you start removing tomato stains from the plastic Tupperware, make sure it’s at room temperature. If you just microwaved food in the container, allow it to cool down completely before moving on to the next steps.

  2. Remove Food Particles and Stuck-On Messes

    As best as you can, remove any food particles and stuck-on messes from inside the container to ensure all the stained areas are exposed to the cleaning solution.

  3. Fill the Container With Vinegar and Water

    Place the stained container inside the kitchen sink and fill it up halfway with warm water, then pour in enough distilled white vinegar to fill it all the way to the top. Mix to combine the water and vinegar.

  4. Let It Sit

    Allow the water and vinegar mixture to sit inside the container for up to 24 hours depending on how bad the tomato stains are.

  5. Wash the Container

    Pour the water and vinegar mixture out and rinse the container under warm running water, then use a sponge and dish soap to remove any tomato stain residue as well as the vinegar smell.

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Additional Tips for Getting Tomato Stains Out of Tupperware Containers

  • Try a baking soda paste. Not only is baking soda effective in removing stains, since it’s a deodorizer it will also remove odors. Add enough water to baking soda to make a thick but spreadable paste, and squeeze in a couple of drops of dish detergent, then mix well. Cover the stained interior of the container with the paste, then quickly scrub with a sponge. Let it sit for up to 30 minutes (or longer for older stains) before rinsing the paste off and washing the container as usual.
  • Use a lemon to remove tomato stains. For a natural way to remove tomato stains, use a fresh lemon whose acidity works to cut through the oil in the stains. Cut the lemon in half, then rub the stains with the cut surface, gently squeezing the lemon to release the juice. Scrub until the stains disappear, then wash the plastic container as usual.
  • Cut through grease with dish soap. Depending on the size of the Tupperware container and the age and intensity of the stains, add a couple of tablespoons of mild dish soap inside the container. Pour in hot water to fill the container, then close it with the lid. Shake the container vigorously for up to a minute, then take the lid off and discard the soapy water. If any stains remain, add a little bit of dish soap to a non-abrasive sponge and scrub the area, then wash the container as usual.
  • Avoid starting with a hot container. Always allow the plastic food containers to come to room temperature before removing stains.
  • Remove stuck-on messes first. Make sure to remove any leftover food particles and stuck-on messes from the container before you try to remove the tomato stains. You want the entire surface of the container’s interior to be exposed to the distilled white vinegar or baking soda paste so that it can fully saturate the stained area and have maximum effect.
  • Use hydrogen peroxide on stubborn stains. If all else fails, you can use hydrogen peroxide to remove tomato stains from plastic Tupperware. Fill the container with hydrogen peroxide and allow it to sit for up to 24 hours depending on the severity of the stain. Then, carefully pour it out and thoroughly clean the container to remove any trace of the hydrogen peroxide. You can either hand wash it using hot soapy water or place it in the dishwasher if the container is dishwasher-safe.


Any time you use hydrogen peroxide, make sure you are wearing protective gloves and the area you are working in is well-ventilated.

How to Prevent Tomato Sauce Stains on Plastic Tupperware

  • Create an oil barrier. Either spray the interior of the plastic Tupperware container with cooking spray or pour in a small amount of oil. Grab a clean, dry paper towel to spread the oil to coat the interior and wipe off any excess oil. The oil will act as a protective barrier that stops spaghetti sauce and other tomato-based foods from staining the plastic.
  • Switch over to glass food storage containers. If you don’t want to deal with preventing or removing tomato stains from plastic Tupperware containers, you may want to switch over to glass food storage containers. Glass doesn’t stain in the same way that plastic does, it’s longer lasting, and the containers can typically be washed in the dishwasher for a more thorough clean without sustaining damage or the same wear and tear that plastic containers do.


  • Tough stains can be removed from plastic with common household items such as distilled white vinegar, baking soda, or dish soap. These will cut through the grease to lift the stain while also removing lingering odors. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide can be used with care to remove stubborn stains.

  • Distilled white vinegar is the best stain remover for plastic. It’s cheap, can easily be purchased in a grocery store, and doesn’t cause damage to the plastic.

  • You can get red stains out of plastic with pantry staples such as distilled white vinegar, baking soda, or lemons. These items cut through the oily stains and cause a chemical reaction that removes them.

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