Jessica Davis Shares How Her Multicultural Upbringing Shaped Her Work

Jessica Davis, founder and creative director of Nest Studio and principal of Atelier Davis, is a vibrant force in the world of interior design. Her multicultural upbringing and unique experiences have significantly shaped her design philosophy, making her a standout in the industry. 

Emily Followill

From Sydney to Dallas: A Cultural Odyssey

Davis’s journey began in Sydney, Australia, where she was born. Her early years were spent in the bustling, diverse environment of Hong Kong.

“Hong Kong was a melting pot—so modern and culturally diverse,” she recalls. Being half-Chinese, her move to the United States in middle school was a stark contrast.

“It wasn’t until I moved to Texas that I felt like a fish out of water,” Davis reflects. This blend of Eastern and Western influences profoundly impacted her worldview and, subsequently, her design style.

A Lifelong Passion for Design

Davis’s passion for design was evident from a young age. Davis shared that was always interested in spaces and the kind of stories that could be told through design. Her fascination with architecture and interiors was more than a hobby; it was a calling.

“I remember studying and drawing floor and landscape plans in architectural magazines.”

David Duncan Livingston

Eclectic Style Rooted in Heritage

Davis’s personal style is a testament to her diverse background.

“My personal style is just that! Very personal. It’s layered and quirky and a mish-mash of periods and styles,” she describes.

Growing up surrounded by a mix of Chinese antiques, modern art, and mid-century furnishings, she naturally developed an eye for blending different eras and styles into cohesive, intriguing designs.

Design Inspirations and Philosophies

Davis finds inspiration in the world around her, particularly in architecture.

“I believe that architecture is always a jumping-off point when designing and interacting with a space,” she notes. 

Travel also plays a significant role in her creative process—Davis shared that she’s constantly inspired by her travel and how the spaces she’s been to make her feel.

David Duncan Livingston

Memorable Projects and Community Influence

One project that stands out in Davis’s career is an Eichler home in Palo Alto.

“The clients had an amazing art collection and were unafraid to play with color and of mixing unexpected things to create something unique,” she recalls fondly. 

Davis also draws upon her multicultural upbringing in her designs, even if not overtly.

“There may not be specific elements (of my upbringing)—say East Asian themes that I put into all of my projects,” she explains. Instead, she embraces the melting pot concept, integrating clients’ cultural heritage and personal artifacts into her designs, creating spaces that are both current and deeply personal.

Navigating the Industry as an Asian American

Being an Asian American in the design industry has its unique challenges.

“For a long time, it meant feeling like an outsider, especially in the residential design industry which feels very white and Eurocentric,” Davis shares. However, founding the AAPI Design Alliance has been a transformative experience, fostering a supportive community of designers with similar cultural backgrounds.

David Duncan Livingston

A Home Filled with Light and Color

Davis’s own home is a reflection of her design philosophy.

“I love the light and the openness. My home is a mid-century modern and I love the way it sits in the landscape and feels so open to nature,” she says.

Color is another essential element in her designs. Even when she tries to do neutrals, Davis still somehow finds a way to incorporate color—she just can’t help it!

Favorite Shops and Trends

When it comes to sourcing decor, Davis finds it hard to pick just one favorite.

“I love everything from Nickey Kehoe and I’m beyond excited to visit their New York store!” she exclaims. As for trends, she’s ready to move past the ubiquitous brass.

“I still use it but I am really digging polished chrome these days.”

David Duncan Livingston

Global Inspirations

Reflecting on her travels, she mentions, “There was always so much inspiring design in Shanghai, especially the restaurants and hotels.”

Davis’s journey from a multicultural upbringing to becoming a leading interior designer in Atlanta is a testament to her ability to blend diverse influences into her work. Her story is one of embracing heritage, navigating industry challenges, and continually finding inspiration in the world around her.

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