I had the pleasure of visiting a beautiful homestay in Kanha, M.P. (a MIAGO partner-stay) on the boundary of the Kanha Tiger Reserve (near the Mukki Gate) late last year. And I have stunning photographs from my visit which I just could not go without sharing on the blog here 🙂
The tiger reserve had not yet opened up for the season so we could not go for a safari in the depths of the forest but we got to enjoy some gorgeous sights in and around the area. The sunsets during the monsoons hit very different. The slow tribal life, young boys playing football next to a beautiful water reservoir, really good Blue Tokai coffee all the way here in the middle of literally nowhere, walks through patches of tall grass, insane yum food cooked by the couple that runs the homestay, a tribal wedding, Scamp the doggo, the hundreds of collected beer bottles on display on top of the bookshelves. It was all so cosy and easy somehow. Like we were going back home. It was lovely!
You can ofcourse book your stay here through the MIAGO website HERE and get all the other details and info you may be looking for. I’m just here sharing the photos that still manage to steal a chunk of my heart 🙂