How a Couple Turned a $7,200 School Bus Into a Tiny Home: Photos

Environmental educator Tanya Nestoruk and photographer Arya Touserkani converted a school bus into a tiny house on wheels, complete with a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a roof deck. They now live in it while traveling throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico.

seafoam green school bus with a wooden door, that was turned into a tiny home.

Nestoruk and Touserkani’s bus on a beach.

Courtesy of Tanya Nestoruk and Arya Touserkani

“Usually I work nine months on, and I have three months off. I’ve been addicted to that travel, work-hard, play-hard lifestyle,” Nestoruk, the environmental educator, said. “We both lived in a van, but wanted more space, and so this checked that box off for us.”

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