How Much Does It Actually Cost to Install Baseboards?

Baseboard is a common type of wall trim, usually 2-1/4- to 7-1/4 inches high, that borders the perimeter of a room. It hides the gap between the flooring and the wallboard and draws a crisp visual line along the bottom of the walls.

The average baseboard installation cost ranges from $530 to $835 for a room with 100 feet of baseboards. The average cost of baseboard installation is $685.

Meet the Expert

Brian Meussner is the Vice President at Mr. Handyman, a maintenance company that provides handyman and remodeling services for homeowners.

Cost by Linear Foot

Baseboard installation costs range from $5.30 per linear foot to $8.35 per linear foot. The average baseboard installation cost is $6.85 per linear foot.

Baseboards are milled stock boards priced by the foot. To calculate the total cost of baseboard installation, measure the length of all walls. Subtract exclusions such as door, closet, and cabinet widths. Add another five percent to account for wastage.

Linear Feet Average Cost Low Cost High Cost
20 $137 $106 $167
30 $206 $159 $251
40 $274 $212 $334
50 $343 $265 $418
60 $411 $318 $501
70 $480 $371 $585
80 $548 $424 $668
90 $617 $477 $752
100 $685 $530 $835
110 $754 $583 $919
120 $822 $636 $1,002
130 $891 $689 $1,086
140 $959 $742 $1,169
150 $1,028 $795 $1,253

Cost by Material

The most common baseboard materials are finger-jointed softwood, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), and plastic (PVC).

Finger-jointed wood, MDF, and PVC baseboards are priced within the same range, but hardwoods are several dollars more per linear foot.

What Is Finger-Jointed Wood?

Finger- or comb-jointing is a method of joining short pieces of wood with a tightly interlocking glued comb-shaped joint. Finger-jointing lowers costs by turning short sections of solid wood into long pieces of milled stock.

  • MDF baseboards: Composite MDF wood is primed and ready for paint. Primed 3-1/4 MDF baseboards cost $1.60 per linear foot.
  • Wood baseboards: Finger-jointed softwood such as pine costs about $1.85 per foot for 3-1/4-inch-high baseboards.
  • PVC baseboards: White PVC baseboards can be left as-is or painted, and they cost $1.65 per linear foot.
  • Hardwood baseboards: Solid hardwood baseboards made of oak, walnut, or maple cost $5 to $12 per linear foot.
Material Cost by Linear Foot
MDF, primed $1.60
PVC $1.65
Wood, finger jointed $1.85
Solid pine $3.75
Solid oak $4.65
Maple $7.40
Walnut $11.50

All baseboards 3-1/4-inch high by 1/2-inch thick.

Cost by Baseboard Height

The height of the baseboards influences the cost of the baseboards. Every quarter-inch of height adds another $0.25 to $0.50 per linear foot to the overall cost.

Baseboard Height Cost Per Linear Foot
3-1/2-inch $1.28
4-inch $1.74
5-inch $1.97
5-1/2-inch $2.24

Primed MDF baseboard

Cost Factors


Carpenters cost from $18 to $46 per hour. If you expect to hire a carpenter to install baseboards, prevailing wages are highest in the western U.S. states, the upper Midwest, and New England.

Removing Baseboards

Expect to pay about $1.50 per linear foot to remove and dispose of the old baseboards.

Existing baseboards and shoe molding must be removed before new baseboards can be installed. Shoe molding generally cannot be reused.

Painting Baseboards

The average cost to have the baseboards professionally painted ranges from $1 to $5 per foot.

You can save money by painting your own baseboards. A 10-foot by 10-foot room can be painted for the cost of a gallon of paint, primer, and painter’s tape—around $50 to $75.

Painting the Room

Hiring a pro to paint the room may cost up to $2,000. If you paint the room yourself, the cost will be about one-third of the pro estimate, or around $760.

Painting the room is often needed after installing baseboards. Damage created by removing baseboards may require painting, or painting may be part of the overall design. 

When to Install Baseboards

Baseboards are usually installed when a room or home is newly constructed. However, existing baseboards are sometimes removed and replaced because of flooding or damage.

“Keep an eye out for signs of damage or wear and tear,” says Brian Meussner, Vice President at Mr. Handyman. “Cracks, warping, and water damage are all reasons to consider replacing baseboards.”

Another reason is style—it might be time for an upgrade.

“Outdated aesthetics are also reasons to consider replacing baseboards,” Meussner says.

DIY vs. Professional Installation Cost

A do-it-yourselfer can install baseboards, but it’s important to have a quality miter or table saw and knowledge of some fine carpentry techniques. 

Baseboards must be seamed with scarf joints. Inner corners can be attached with miter joints, but many pros recommend using coped instead of mitered joints.

Attempting to install baseboards yourself can often result in uneven edges, gaps, and other imperfections that detract from the room’s overall aesthetic.

“Professionals have access to high-quality materials and the proper tools needed for the job,” Meussner says. “Opting for cheaper materials or using makeshift tools can lead to subpar results.”


  • To calculate baseboard installation, measure and add the length of each wall in the room. Subtract doors, closets, and cabinets. Multiply the final number by the average professional baseboard installation cost of $6.85 per linear foot. If you are installing your own baseboards, multiply by the cost of the baseboard materials.

  • In a 2,000 square-foot home, you may need around 250 to 300 linear feet of baseboard. The combined perimeter baseboard length will be about 180 linear feet. Internal walls will increase that figure by another 100 linear feet to a total of 280 linear feet.

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