How Much Money YouTubers Make, According to Creators

  • YouTube creators who are part of the Partner Program can monetize their videos with ads.
  • Eight YouTubers said they earned between $1.61 and $29.30 per 1,000 views.
  • We spoke with dozens of YouTube creators whose monthly earnings ranged from $82 to $83,000.

YouTubers can earn their money a number of ways, from sponsorships to selling merchandise. But revenue from Google ads is a big chunk of many YouTube stars’ incomes.

Social-media creators who are part of the YouTube Partner Program can earn money off their videos with Google-placed ads.

To start earning money directly from YouTube, creators must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. Once they reach that threshold, they can apply for YouTube’s Partner Program, which allows creators to start monetizing their channels through ads, subscriptions, and channel memberships.

Eight YouTubers recently shared their RPM rates, or revenue per mille. The YouTubers made between $1.61 and $29.30 per 1,000 views. (Read the full breakdown of their RPMs.)

How much YouTubers earn per month from the platform depends on factors like the amount of views, audience location, and content category. 26 YouTubers told Insider how much they’d earned. The YouTubers made between $82 and $83,000 per month.

Those earnings can vary by month for creators. For example, Sarah Lavender, a YouTuber with about 100,000 followers, earned different monthly incomes ranging from about $1,000 in one month to over $6,000 in another. (She broke down her exact earnings each month for a year.)

Another YouTuber, who has over 1 million subscribers and makes videos about personal finance, earned over $50,000 in a single month.

But YouTube creators with far fewer followers can also make decent money. Nano influencer Jen Lauren earned $213 in a month, for instance.

In all, Insider has spoken with dozens of YouTube creators about how much each of them made per month, on videos with 100,000 or 1 million views, and other financial topics.

Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of Insider’s YouTube money logs series:

Many YouTube creators earn money off the ads that play in their videos and receive a monthly payout.

So how much do YouTubers generally make per month? 

Here’s a full breakdown of our coverage of how much YouTuber creators earn monthly:

For every 1,000 ad views, advertisers pay a certain rate to YouTube. YouTube then takes 45% and the creator gets the rest.

Some subjects, like personal finance or cryptocurrency, can boost a creator’s ad rate by attracting a lucrative audience.

Toward the end of 2022, YouTube reported a slowdown in advertising in Q3, but when it comes to revenue from advertisers, creators Insider spoke with said earnings have largely gone unchanged.

The YouTubers earned between $1.61 and $29.30 per 1,000 views.

Read the full breakdown: 8 YouTubers explain how much money they earn per 1,000 views — and how it’s changed in the last year

How much money a single YouTube video with 100,000 views makes from Google-placed ads depends on the content of the video and the audience who watches.

The amount of money a video will earn also depends on its watch time, length, and video type, among other factors.

Here’s a full breakdown of our coverage on how much YouTube creators make for 100,000 views:

Though making money from YouTube depends on a variety of factors, amassing 1 million views can often net a creator a big payday.

Here’s a full breakdown of our coverage of how much YouTube creators make for 1 million views:

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