Meet the ‘Fire Breathing Demon’ Dog Niagara SPCA Wants You to Adopt

  • Many pet adoption advertisements focus on the positive qualities a pet has to offer.
  • But for Ralphie, a dog currently with the Niagara SPCA, the shelter decided to use a different strategy.
  • A popular Facebook post shared over 700 times since last week describes the pup as “a whole jerk.”

Most adoption ads posted by animal shelters focus on the positive — like their good behavior around kids or how they love other animals — but one post last week from the Niagara County SPCA is so honest, it’s brutal.

“Meet Ralphie. At first glance, he’s an adorable highly sought after, young dog. People should be banging down our doors for him. We promise you, that won’t be the case,” the Facebook post reads.

“Ralphie is a terror in a somewhat small package. What could go wrong with a 26lb dog, right? We’re sure you’re thinking: my ankles will be just fine. We’d caution- proceed at your own risk.”

The 26-pound, one-year-old white dog with black spots on his ears and eye, has been in two homes already, the SPCA said. The first owner rehomed Ralphie after an attempt to train him. A second home reported that he “annoys our older dog.”

“What they actually meant was: Ralphie is a fire-breathing demon and will eat our dog, but hey, he’s only 26lbs,” the post reads. “Lots of people withheld Ralphie’s less than desirable traits, but we’re going to tell you all about it. He’s a whole jerk- not even half.”

But the shelter said Ralphie’s previous trainer will provide any adopter with the tools he needs to be successful in his new home so people can avoid being “exploited” by showing even “a moment of weakness,” as the post alleges Ralphie will do.

The shelter recommends that the ideal home for Ralphie would be with adults and no other animals, although the best case scenario would be for him to be reunited with “the Mother of Dragons.”

As of Friday, Ralphie was still available for adoption, according to CNN.

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